Monday, 27 February 2012

Interviewed on Resonance FM for Egypt in Comic Books.

For those of you who missed me waxing comics-lyrical last night on Resonance FM, here's a link to the podcast, which covers aspects of the use of Egypt in modern comic books.

Big thanks to Alex Fitch of Resonance FM for putting this up so quickly!


Thursday, 23 February 2012

Egypt and Comics: Mythology and Pop Art Reflections

"Asterix, Tintin, Thundercats, Dr Fate, Promethea and Hawkman - comics have engaged with Egypt in a range of different ways. In this talk Dr Paul Harrison analyses the manner in which Western conceptions of Egypt, heritage and legacy are portrayed in mainstream comics. Q & A included"

As advertised on the BBC,

The last one was standing room only, so please ensure you get there early. I have high hopes for this one,

Dr P


It is with great pleasure that I announce the successful attainment of my PhD. There are many of you who contributed to my research over the last four years, some of whom were instrumental (you know who you are) and to you guys I offer a huge thank you.

I know it cannot have been easy to trust an unknown entity, particularly an academic, entrenched within a hegemonic 'positivist' discipline, but I'm very grateful that you did, and I would like to assure everybody that the subjects of reconstructed and revived Egyptian religion, Egyptian Paganism, and Kemeticism received serious and balanced discussion in my work (which will be available in publication soon enough).

I also offer thanks to those academics and friends who have helped me out along the way. You know who you are.


Dr Paul Harrison, BSc MA PhD